Hey everyone! I know it's been a looooong time since I've written a post. Needless to say, I will be taking up blogging on my new site "the road to sunshine" sophieinaus.blogspot.ca
this blog will be highlighting my journey as I move to australia on a one year work visa starting in august :) i will definitely be keeping up better with that one, as it will be a way for family and friends to follow my travels! thanks very much and hope you enjoy my adventure
xo soph
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Sunday, December 4, 2011
This weekend, Dec 1-4, the first EVER Blood & Thunder Roller Derby World Cup rolled into Toronto. Hosted by ToRD (Toronto Roller Derby), games are being held at The Bunker in Downsview Park, 13 teams from all over the world are skating their way to the top. Countries represented are: Canada, USA, Sweden, Finland, Scotland, New Zealand, Ireland, Germany, France, England, Brasil, Australia and Argentina.
I was lucky enough to be able to get a ticket for Saturday before everything sold out. And I mean sold out. The entire event sold out really fast, and I was really happy to be able to go out and watch some of the action. I went with my friend Jenn and it was a totally awesome day!
We got there at about 10 and there were already tons of people there. There was so much energy in The Bunker, it was totally infectious and I got super pumped as soon as we went in. There were two bouts going on, and we quickly found places to sit and watch New Zealand take on the US. What a game! The US killed it - 470 to 8. It was intense, and the crowd was going nuts! It was so cool to see derby players and fans from countries all over the world. Derby is really taking off in popularity and it is awesome to meet people that you share that common interest with, even if they are from the other side of the world!
Then we walked around to look at all the stuff that was on sale. We were both thinking of getting our Fresh Meat package that day, and not going to lie, I was a bit apprehensive about dropping that much cash in one day. For those of you who don't know what a Fresh Meat package is, it's basically everything that you need to start out as a new derby player (Fresh Meat). You get skates, wheels, pads, helmet and mouthguard. We were talking to some really nice girls from RollerBug who let us try stuff on. They had my size in Sure Grip Rebels, black with hot pink wheels (exactly what I want!) I tried them on and they fit like a glove. The only problem is that they're made of leather. As a vegetarian, I really don't want skates made from a poor cow's skin, just so I can play derby! The awesome thing is, with derby being a bit of an 'alternative' sport, they recognize people with 'alternative' lifestyles, and they actually make vegan skates! (I know alternative is totally the wrong word, but I couldn't think of anything else haha) So anyways, when I do end up buying my first gear, I'll definitely be buying vegan skates! And I'll probably get it from My Roll Life which is the newly opened skate shop owned by our team captain GoldieLockN'Load.
They didn't have Jenn's size at RollerBug, and I kind of wanted to get our stuff together, so we just ended up getting some Derby Skinz shorts, and Jenn got a really cute black cardigan with pink rollerskates on it :)

I was lucky enough to be able to get a ticket for Saturday before everything sold out. And I mean sold out. The entire event sold out really fast, and I was really happy to be able to go out and watch some of the action. I went with my friend Jenn and it was a totally awesome day!
We got there at about 10 and there were already tons of people there. There was so much energy in The Bunker, it was totally infectious and I got super pumped as soon as we went in. There were two bouts going on, and we quickly found places to sit and watch New Zealand take on the US. What a game! The US killed it - 470 to 8. It was intense, and the crowd was going nuts! It was so cool to see derby players and fans from countries all over the world. Derby is really taking off in popularity and it is awesome to meet people that you share that common interest with, even if they are from the other side of the world!
Then we walked around to look at all the stuff that was on sale. We were both thinking of getting our Fresh Meat package that day, and not going to lie, I was a bit apprehensive about dropping that much cash in one day. For those of you who don't know what a Fresh Meat package is, it's basically everything that you need to start out as a new derby player (Fresh Meat). You get skates, wheels, pads, helmet and mouthguard. We were talking to some really nice girls from RollerBug who let us try stuff on. They had my size in Sure Grip Rebels, black with hot pink wheels (exactly what I want!) I tried them on and they fit like a glove. The only problem is that they're made of leather. As a vegetarian, I really don't want skates made from a poor cow's skin, just so I can play derby! The awesome thing is, with derby being a bit of an 'alternative' sport, they recognize people with 'alternative' lifestyles, and they actually make vegan skates! (I know alternative is totally the wrong word, but I couldn't think of anything else haha) So anyways, when I do end up buying my first gear, I'll definitely be buying vegan skates! And I'll probably get it from My Roll Life which is the newly opened skate shop owned by our team captain GoldieLockN'Load.
They didn't have Jenn's size at RollerBug, and I kind of wanted to get our stuff together, so we just ended up getting some Derby Skinz shorts, and Jenn got a really cute black cardigan with pink rollerskates on it :)

guess which shorts are mine? haha I also wanted to get a PivotStar hoodie, because they have a purple and green one which are the exact colours of my team, the Rollergettes!
unfortunately, they didn't have my size left, so I'll just have to order it online (cough cough, Christmas cough)
Anyways, after that, we got ready for the Finland Canada game. We were sitting on the floor, right at the top of the track aka we had a wicked view! We brought a ton of snacks (looove bulk barn!) so we were sitting there chowing down on sour keys and beer nuts, watching this game that was actually amaaaaazing! Literally, in the first jam, Canada got 35 points! It was unbelievable. They kept playing like that, with the score rising and all of us going nuts on the sidelines. 300, 350, 400.... everyone was wondering if they'd be able to make it to 500! It was the last jam, maybe about 2 seconds left in the bout and Canada was at 499. I don't exactly know what happened, but the ref made a call that I guess wasted those last 2 seconds and didn't allow our jammer to score one more point. It was madness! Although we didn't make it to 500, I'd say a 499 - 31 game isn't something to shake your head at. It was a mind blowing game, and I am so happy to say I was able to be there! After that, we were pretty much all tuckered out from being there all day and screaming basically all day, so we headed home, with visions of roller skates and derby skinz dancing in our heads.
All in all, my experience at the Roller Derby World Cup was absolutely amazing. It totally made me even more excited (if that's possible) to start out next season with the Rollergettes. It was so cool to see all these wicked derby players and to give us something to look up to. Also, it was neat to see everyone's different style. Roller Derby attracts some pretty wild characters with equally wild senses of style and it was great to be able to see that all day and get some inspiration. Lots of pin up style outfits and hair, lots of fishnets, booty shorts and Doc Martens. And LOOOTTSSSS of tattoos. It was pretty amazing to see all of that :)
Then this morning at 10:30 was the Canada vs England game. SEMI FINAL! AHH! It was broadcast on Derby News Network as all of the games had been. I sat on the couch in a blanket and my jammies (may or may not have been wearing my pink sparkly Derby Skinz haha) and watched that one on my laptop. It was a really physical game. England played some great defence, but couldn't keep up with Team Canada who came out victorious! 161 - 90. At the end, they played the Hockey Night In Canada theme song as they did their victory lap. It was a great moment! On the other track, USA was playing Australia in the other semi final. US pretty much kicked ass with a 532 to 4 final score. AKA CANADA VS USA IN THE FINALS!!!! omgggg!!! so excited! That game is going to be live broadcasted at 4:30 on Derby News Network as well (thank god). So basically, no one call me or text me during that time because I'll be watchin' derby!!! :)
So that was my wonderful, wacky weekend in a nutshell. If anyone wants to know anything about roller derby, or the team that I've just started playing with, just let me know and I can (with my limited beginner knowledge) hopefully help you out, or ask one of my derby sistas who know!
Glitter Gunslinger, signing off
Sunday, November 6, 2011
free hugs! ... i mean... granola bars
well hello there! it certainly has been a while since my last post. with our portfolio show a mere 8 days away, i am surprisingly prepared. i am just waiting on two campaigns (one is in the works now) to put in, get my book printed and off we go! i really don't know why i'm so calm, everyone in my class is understandably scrambling to get everything done. must be florence's new album keeping me sane. i'm gonna go with that :) and... if anyone hasn't heard it... GO do that now! it is beautiful. what else can we expect from miss welch?
this is my new dancey song:
this is my new dancey song:
anyways, all that aside, what i really wanted to write about was a wicked piece of DM i received in the mail last week. about 1.5 months ago, i found a promotion on the Kashi website where all you had to do was fill out your information and they would send you a free bar. i filled out the info, choosing blackberry as the flavour i wanted to receive. i pressed "send" and then forgot about it. i was only reminded when i saw the commercial which talked about the promotion, as well as the fact that if you didn't like it, the spokes-dude would eat the box. THE BOX! ew. well, knowing Kashi products very well, i knew that i would most definitely enjoy my free sample when it arrived.
it was after one long tiring day at school when i checked the mailbox on the way in. low and behold... a box from Kashi! was i ever pumped
that was the front of the box, note the little bite mark die cut in the bottom right corner. such attention to detail!
i opened up the box to find my blackberry bar tucked in there along with some info about the product and a call to action to visit the website, and i'm pretty sure you were supposed to vote for your favourite flavour. which i didn't do, not going to lie.
so i pull out the granola bar to eat it asap (i was starving) and omg! underneath is a coupon for a FREE BOX! baaaaah! ok all you fellow poor college students know how hard it is to afford healthy food when you have no money, so this was awesome for me to get! those kashi bars are like 5 bucks per box, so this was like christmas to me :)
all in all, i thought this was an aaaaawwwweeeeesssoommmeee thing for Kashi to do! way to tie in the tv spots, the online as well as drive future purchases with a free coupon. i was so happy, i told everyone about it. great word of mouth starter. so last week, when i went to buy groceries, i brought my coupon and got me some free granola bars. i was one happy camper thats for sure! one thing i am insanely curious about is how big their budget is. i can't even imagine how freaking expensive something like this must have been to execute. i really hope it pays off for them, Kashi is a great company that makes yummy healthy food. love it.
that's my advertising-y bit for now :)
also, just updated my website today, everyone please check it out! sophiehebert.ca
8 days till portfolio show! follow @CABAInterns2012 and use the hashtag #lastinterns
happy daylight savings day
listening to: never let me go - florence + the machine
direct mail,
portfolio show,
Friday, October 21, 2011
just a quick update on portfolio show situation:
portfolio website is live http://humberportfolioshow.com/ check it out
twitter is also live @CABAInterns2012 follow us! #lastinterns
youtube channel up and running http://www.youtube.com/user/CABAInterns2012
spread the word!
portfolio website is live http://humberportfolioshow.com/ check it out
twitter is also live @CABAInterns2012 follow us! #lastinterns
youtube channel up and running http://www.youtube.com/user/CABAInterns2012
spread the word!
portfolio show
Thursday, October 13, 2011
stop . . . . portfolio time!
hiiiii everyone! so it has been about 1.23 million years since my last post, and i apologize. i tried starting this little youtube video adventure showing my portfolio pieces etc etc. i don't know how to use imovie so it was basically a complete failure. everything is moving along over here in caba. school is kicking my ass, as usual, as well as planning the portfolio show. we've been shooting videos and photos and all kinds of craziness. it's going to be awesome. on top of that, i have to re-write a tonnnn of stuff for my book, and do homework. so, needless to say, i'm going to be taking a bit of a break from this whole blogging thing for a while (until after nov 14th to be precise).
anyways, quick preview of the insanity that is the class of 2012 apocalypse interns:
so, this will be it for a while. hope everyone is kicking school's ass, not the other way around. for those of you with portfolio shows coming up, good luck! we're in this together :)
for updates on the show, check out my tweets @sophie_hebert_ and soon there will be an apocalypse intern twitter up and running!
sophie, out.
anyways, quick preview of the insanity that is the class of 2012 apocalypse interns:
hammered on the pride of nova scotia
art directors
so, this will be it for a while. hope everyone is kicking school's ass, not the other way around. for those of you with portfolio shows coming up, good luck! we're in this together :)
for updates on the show, check out my tweets @sophie_hebert_ and soon there will be an apocalypse intern twitter up and running!
sophie, out.
Friday, September 16, 2011
one of a kind
last night, i went to a show at the horseshoe tavern on queen st. i am so excited about the music that i almost don't even care to write about the rest of the night, but i will because it was amazing. two of my friends leanne and jess (ns roadtrip partner in crime) came up from ottawa to see the show with me (that how awesome it was). we met up with my friend jenn and the four of us shivered our little tooshes all the way to fresh on spadina for a meal that was basically a religious experience it was that good.
i split the jerusalem bowl with jenn (pretty sure i have blogged about its amazingness before, so i will spare you), leanne had the bbq burger as a wrap, and jess had the holiday wrap. now, these girls are by no means vegetarian, but to quote leanne "that was the best wrap i've ever had". see guys?! vegetarian food can be just as epic and delicious as non veg food, and it is much nicer to our animal friends :)
anyways, we then headed over to the horseshoe to watch the show. met up with one of my classmates josh and a few of his buddies. he had literally walked into a tree moments before and had a goose egg forming on his head that was in the shape of harry potter's lightning scar. it was priceless and i made fun of him the whole night for it!
the first band to go on was july talk. jenn's friend's boyfriend, eamon mcgrath, plays in the band aside from having his own amaaaazing solo act that you guys definitely should check out. saw him perform live at the silver dollar room in the spring and he is super talented. july talk was really great, catchy, and had a ton of energy. you could tell that they weren't just playing music but actually performing and having a great time doing it. sort of a country, bluesy mix they really pumped up the crowd and had everyone dancing and stomping their feet.
after a short break to move around all the equipment, it was time for the coppertone! if you haven't heard the coppertone before, i am telling you; get your ass on youtube and look her up. that girl can fucking rock. lead singer amanda zelina puts her heart and soul into the performance. her guitar playing is amazing and she has the kind of voice that sounds perfectly gritty during a bluesy rock song, but during the slower numbers it softens, still maintaining just the right amount of bad-assery. not to mention that she is hot as hell. huge girl crush. josh told me about 5 times that he would marry her right then and there.
we were standing literally front and centre, so we could see everything, including the set list. i was waiting to hear the song 'black water' which is my all time fave coppertone song. it was third on the list. i basically went nuts when it started, i was so happy i couldn't even handle it. there are very few bands i get this way about, and the coppertone is definitely one of them. they sound better live than they do recorded, and i haven't heard many bands that i can say that about. i am still so stoked about it today, and it has taken me like 45 minutes to write this blog post because i couldn't even put the feeling into words.
in short; the coppertone is an amazing band, and if you like bluesy rock type music at all, please do me a favour and listen . . . then come thank me.
as soon as they were done, i went up to her and told her how great the performance was and how i was basically crying i was so happy. she seemed super down to earth and totally chill, not even realizing how many minds she had just blown haha then i went over to the merch table to buy a shirt. was going to buy the ep but i don't have a record player booo
then the headliner, the dirty mags came on. the lead singer was about 7 feet tall and looked like he was trying to be russell brand (skinny jeans, pointy shoes, shaggy hair, blazer) it was funny because it made me feel soooo small! i mean, i always feel small at shows because i'm like always the shortest person there, but he was like a giraffe! it was crazy. they were really great too, although we didn't stay for their whole set cause we were sooo tired, and there was a mosh pit and we didn't want to get stuck in it. although i did for a second and it was really scary lol josh and his friends basically started it and i was trying to get by before they started their next song, but he dragged me in ahhhh! i guess now i can say that i was in a mosh pit? lol quite the experience.
all in all, it was an amazing night. great friends, great food, great music. i had never been to a show at the horseshoe. i really liked the venue, how it was set up and the all around vibes i was getting from the place. now after all this time trying to get my thoughts into words, i'm gonna say bye, go get ready for class and get back to the real world ;)
happy friday everyone!
listening: nighttime wishes - the coppertone
PS. starting a new project in regards to my portfolio... stay tuned to my youtube channel for more deets!
i split the jerusalem bowl with jenn (pretty sure i have blogged about its amazingness before, so i will spare you), leanne had the bbq burger as a wrap, and jess had the holiday wrap. now, these girls are by no means vegetarian, but to quote leanne "that was the best wrap i've ever had". see guys?! vegetarian food can be just as epic and delicious as non veg food, and it is much nicer to our animal friends :)
anyways, we then headed over to the horseshoe to watch the show. met up with one of my classmates josh and a few of his buddies. he had literally walked into a tree moments before and had a goose egg forming on his head that was in the shape of harry potter's lightning scar. it was priceless and i made fun of him the whole night for it!
after a short break to move around all the equipment, it was time for the coppertone! if you haven't heard the coppertone before, i am telling you; get your ass on youtube and look her up. that girl can fucking rock. lead singer amanda zelina puts her heart and soul into the performance. her guitar playing is amazing and she has the kind of voice that sounds perfectly gritty during a bluesy rock song, but during the slower numbers it softens, still maintaining just the right amount of bad-assery. not to mention that she is hot as hell. huge girl crush. josh told me about 5 times that he would marry her right then and there.
we were standing literally front and centre, so we could see everything, including the set list. i was waiting to hear the song 'black water' which is my all time fave coppertone song. it was third on the list. i basically went nuts when it started, i was so happy i couldn't even handle it. there are very few bands i get this way about, and the coppertone is definitely one of them. they sound better live than they do recorded, and i haven't heard many bands that i can say that about. i am still so stoked about it today, and it has taken me like 45 minutes to write this blog post because i couldn't even put the feeling into words.
in short; the coppertone is an amazing band, and if you like bluesy rock type music at all, please do me a favour and listen . . . then come thank me.
as soon as they were done, i went up to her and told her how great the performance was and how i was basically crying i was so happy. she seemed super down to earth and totally chill, not even realizing how many minds she had just blown haha then i went over to the merch table to buy a shirt. was going to buy the ep but i don't have a record player booo
the set list!
then the headliner, the dirty mags came on. the lead singer was about 7 feet tall and looked like he was trying to be russell brand (skinny jeans, pointy shoes, shaggy hair, blazer) it was funny because it made me feel soooo small! i mean, i always feel small at shows because i'm like always the shortest person there, but he was like a giraffe! it was crazy. they were really great too, although we didn't stay for their whole set cause we were sooo tired, and there was a mosh pit and we didn't want to get stuck in it. although i did for a second and it was really scary lol josh and his friends basically started it and i was trying to get by before they started their next song, but he dragged me in ahhhh! i guess now i can say that i was in a mosh pit? lol quite the experience.
all in all, it was an amazing night. great friends, great food, great music. i had never been to a show at the horseshoe. i really liked the venue, how it was set up and the all around vibes i was getting from the place. now after all this time trying to get my thoughts into words, i'm gonna say bye, go get ready for class and get back to the real world ;)
happy friday everyone!
listening: nighttime wishes - the coppertone
PS. starting a new project in regards to my portfolio... stay tuned to my youtube channel for more deets!
Monday, September 12, 2011
bffs 4everzzz
just wanted to share this photoshop creation masterpiece with everyone. even though i should be doing readings for soc, i thought this would be more important....
paaahaha hope everyone else had just as productive of a monday as i did ;)
paaahaha hope everyone else had just as productive of a monday as i did ;)
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